Regarding Your Personal Information and Usage of this Contact Form
  • Any personal information sent via this contact form will only be used to answer your query.
  • Any personal information sent via this contact form will be managed carefully and will not be shared with any third parties. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy.
  • We strive to reply promptly to all contact requests, but please be aware that for certain requests, we may need additional time or may be unable to provide a response.
  • Please double-check the entered email address and phone number to ensure they are correct. Also, be aware that a lack of response could be due to technical issues, such as spam blockers or mail server problems.
  • Please do not forward or repost any response, in whole or in part, or share with third parties.
  • Unless specifically requested by us, Murakami Corporation does not accept any ideas or suggestions for new products or services from customers. In the event any such suggestions are sent, we will not offer discussion, research, testing, usage or any compensation, and do not bear any liability for damages that may occur concerning confidentiality.
  • For Requests Concerning Automobile Products
    For requests concerning the repair, replacement or quality of our rearview mirrors or other automobile-related products, please contact your automobile manufacturer’s dealer or repair center. We do not conduct any direct retail or online sales.